Use Cases
Example applications for Truebit on Ethereum
Out of Gas
Smart contracts consume network computation and storage resources as they update the system’s global state. Some operations may demand more resources, or gas, than the blockchain network’s modest, per-block limit permits. Truebit on Ethereum offers secure computation for smart contracts beyond this native capacity.
On-Chain Cryptography
Truebit on Ethereum combines with bulletproofs to achieve compact, zero-knowledge proofs without trusted setup. Smart contracts can leverage Truebit on Ethereum to execute complex operations such as bilinear maps, ring signatures, homomorphic encryption, or secure code validation.
Checking Proof of Work
Verification of some underlying consensus, such as Ethereum's Ethhash or Litecoin's Scrypt, requires memory resources exceeding the practical limits of smart contracts. By moving such computation off-chain, Truebit enables dependent use cases such as the Dogethereum two-way peg and SmartPool mining.
High Transaction Throughput
Miners both select transactions to include in blocks and verify block contents. One can imagine a blockchain consensus protocol which decouples these two activities so that miners need only select blocks, and blocks clear once Truebit on Ethereum verifies them. Apply Truebit on Ethereum for bookkeeping tasks like cumulative interest payments and batch trading.
Federated Learning
Share and process information without revealing raw local data to the network. Truebit on Ethereum can securely perform machine learning and statistical operations without burdening or trusting user edge nodes. Underlying consensus guarantees correct execution in the presence of economic incentives.
The dream of fair premiums together and accurate, efficient claim processing without a trusted, centralized manager requires computational consensus. Assuming formal event criteria, Truebit on Ethereum can transparently aid in verifying claims, automating payouts, and maintaining premiums.
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